
Mammography Screening Behavior and Related Factors among Rural Vietnamese Women

Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with mammography screening behavior and its predictors among rural Vietnamese women. This predictive correlational study was conducted with 120 women ages 40 and above in the suburbs of Hanoi, Vietnam in July 2018, using the Breast Cancer Awareness Measurement and the Champion’s Health Beliefs Model Scale. Mammography screening behavior was measured by asking the participants about their previous mammography experience. Results showed that women were more likely to get a mammogram if they had higher education levels, higher monthly family income, a family member or friend with breast cancer, and physician’s recommendation. Mean scores on perceived susceptibility to breast cancer and perceived barriers to screening differed significantly between women who had and had not had a mammogram (t = -4.31, p < .001; t = 5.05, p < .001, respectively). Perceived benefits and breast cancer awareness were not significantly associated with screening uptake (t = -1.62, p = .109; ê­?² = 5.54, p = .072, respectively). When perceived susceptibility and perceived barriers were considered together, they significantly increased the predictive power of the hierarchical logistic model (critical value = 6.16, [df = 2], p = .046). Perceived barriers were the most significant predictor of mammography screening (OR = .84, 95% CI .71 – .99, p = .039). In summary, adherence to screening is high among women who perceived lower barriers to mammography. Efforts are needed to promote breast cancer screening in Vietnam. Biography: Linh Thuy Duong will graduate her Master Degree from National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan, in June 2019. Linh has been working as a nurse lecturer in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at Hanoi Medical University since 2016. She also works as a clinical tutor in hospitals, and has experience and skills in various nursing fields, including obstetrics and gynecology, and medical-surgical nursing. She has published three papers in journals and has much experiences in collaborating with international organizations such as the University of Sydney, Australia, focusing on community health literacy in Vietnam. Speaker Publications: 1. A qualitative analysis of factors that influence Vietnamese ethnic minority women to seek maternal health care 2. Distributed Health Literacy in the Maternal Health Context in Vietnam 3. ‘I do want to ask, but I can’t speak’: a qualitative study of ethnic minority women’s experiences of communicating with primary health care professionals in remote, rural Vietnam 4. Communication Between Health Workers and Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam 5. Communication and community health literacy in Dien Bien Province, Vietnam: a qualitative study 27th Cancer Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Conference | Webinar | August 24-25, 2020.Abstract Citation: Linh Thuy Duong, Mammography Screening Behavior and Related Factors among Rural Vietnamese Women Cancer Nursing 2020, 27th Cancer Nursing & Nurse Practitioners Conference | Webinar | August 24-25, 2020 https://cancernursing.nursingconference.com/speaker/2 020/linh-thuy-duong-hanoi-medical-university-hanoivietnam


Linh Thuy Duong

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